McKinsey Material Economics
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Material Economics - a part of McKinsey

We all know it transforming our economy to fit within the boundaries of the planet is a massive challenge, but it also presents massive opportunities for those who are ahead of their game. Material Economics is a top management consultancy firm specialized on sustainability and resource strategy topics, aiming to help our clients be just that-ahead of their game


Peoples on table

  As of 1 December 2021, Material Economics is part of McKinsey & Company. By combining Material Economics capabilities and assets with McKinsey's extensive network, we can broaden and deepen our sustainability offerings, and accelerate our ambition to create a global engine for sustainability operating from the region.
We will be able to help clients with cutting-edge perspectives on circularity, detailed CO2 abatement strategies, and ultimately net-zero transformation.

Latest Updates

How a ‘materials transition’ can support the net-zero agenda

Material Economics

How a ‘materials transition’ can support the net-zero agenda

As the energy transition continues, advances toward low-emissions materials and the circular economy can also speed progress to net zero. Research on Europe shows the value in such a materials transition.
A Good Disruption

Material Economics

A Good Disruption

Published in October 2016, A Good Disruption – Reinventing Growth in the Twenty-First Century explains how the massive technological disruption that is currently sweeping across our economy could be used to solve the enormous global environmental
Framing stranded asset risks in an age of disruption

Material Economics

Framing stranded asset risks in an age of disruption

This study investigates which assets could become economically stranded as a result of the transition to a more sustainable economy and related disruptions.Due to this transition, up to ~750 billion Euro of economic assets are at risk of getting
Ett värdebeständigt svenskt materialsystem

Material Economics

Ett värdebeständigt svenskt materialsystem

Om 100 kr råmaterial går in i den svenska ekonomin, hur många kronor återstår efter en användningscykel? Materialflöden och -återvinning har diskuterats intensivt i Sverige i decennier. Hittills har debatten främst förts i termer av ton,
Article on Sustainable Packaging - The Role of Materials Substitution

Material Economics

Article on Sustainable Packaging - The Role of Materials Substitution

This article summarises a study looking at the role of materials substitution in reducing lifecycle emissions from plastic packaging. The key conclusions were as follow:Modern packaging solutions are essential to efficient logistics and retailing. At
Completing the Picture - How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change

Material Economics

Completing the Picture - How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change

A step-change is needed to put the world on track to achieve zero emissions by 2050 to meet the 1.5˚C target set out in the Paris Agreement. To date, efforts to tackle the crisis have focused on a transition to renewable energy and energy efficiency.